My family and I had a wonderful Christmas, despite not being up in Dallas with my family like we usually are. But it was kind of a blessing in disguise. I usually don’t decorate for Christmas, get a real tree, or bake cookies with the kids but this year I did and I absolutely loved it. I’m grateful that I was feeling OK and able to keep up with the kids.

Christmas morning was my favorite. I awoke before the kids and went to check on my daughter first. She was stirring until I said that Santa had come then she hightailed it to her brother’s room and they came bounding into the great room. I grabbed my husband and the kids started opening their gifts and looking at everything Santa left. They were so giddy, so excited. There wasn’t a trace of disappointment or discouragement that this year had seemed to bring out in all of us.
I made breakfast while the kids continued to play and counted my blessings. For I have many.

While I am exhausted from planning and executing Christmas plans, I don’t feel depressed or in a bad head space whatsoever. Again, I’m so grateful.
I hope you all had good holidays and I wish you a happy New Year.
Stay in the light.